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Hero Debrief: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Writer: AstrodarAstrodar

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Swing into action as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! You’ll be dodging attacks, dealing some big hits, and stopping the villain in their tracks with your handy webs. And you’ll do all that in time to make it back to Aunt May for cookies.

As Peter Parker, you’ll gain a free mental resource each round with your Scientist ability. If you’ve taken too many hits as a hero, you have your Aunt May support for big healing boosts. At 4 damage healed a round, she can heal 8 damage off a single trip to Alter-Ego! Then, as you switch into Spider-Man, you’ll dive right into foiling the villain’s plans. Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense ability allows you to draw a card when the villain initiates an attack against you, potentially drawing helpful cards like Backflip. Backflip is a 0-cost event that prevents all damage from an attack, making it one of the best defense events in the game. You can also use Webbed Up to lock an enemy down, preventing their next two attacks. Finally, your Enhanced Spider-Sense event helps you to cancel treachery cards (regardless of who revealed them), preventing extra activations, assorted effects, and even the dreaded Shadow of the Past treachery. Spider-Man’s Swinging Web Kick is an expensive attack event, but deals a whopping 8 damage to an enemy. You can use your Web-Shooters to help you pay for Swinging Web Kick and other cards, but watch out… they can run out, requiring you draw and play them again.

One of Spider-Man’s greatest weaknesses is managing threat. His Spider-Tracers will remove threat from any scheme, but they only work once you defeat the minion to which they are attached. Don’t forget to play them out before you or your friends defeat all the minions. As a signature ally, Spider-Man has Black Cat, an ally that not only has the potential to draw you cards when played, but also takes no consequential damage when attacking. She’s a great target for any build focusing on upgrading allies, because she’ll stick around.

Deck-Building with Spider-Man

Spider-Man has a couple expensive cards, and his resource generation with his Web-Shooters isn’t permanent. Ingenuity, Helicarrier, and Quincarrier are great ways to help boost his ability to pay for things.


While his Swinging Web Kick deals big damage, it’s expensive. Aggression can shore up his damage ability with less expensive attack events and Martial Prowess to help pay for them all. Spider-Man’s threat removal is one of his weakest points, so you need a friend or a plan to help handle it. If you want to capitalize on your Spider Tracers and focus on defeating minions, check out Chase Them Down, Into the Fray, and Relentless Assault. If you want to build a team of allies and use your defensive abilities to keep them out and dealing damage, use Boot Camp to boost the attacks of allies like Sentry, She-Hulk, and Tigra.


Threat removal is one of Spider-Man’s greatest weaknesses, and Justice can shore that up. You can use his ability to stay in hero form to just focus on straight threat management. Check out For Justice!, Multi-tasking, or Clear the Area. As another option, Spider-Man’s bonus resource and big heals from Aunt May helps him get great value out of spending time in Alter-Ego. Justice can facilitate the extra time in Alter-Ego, allowing you to really utilize your health as a “resource.” For a scenario with friends, you can bring Great Responsibility and Sonic Gun to take advantage of Aunt May’s big heals.


Spider-Man has some strong built-in defense strategies, meaning he will rely less on his allies for defense. This means he can keep allies out, or do fine on his own without any allies during the villain phase. If you want to run a team with lots of allies, use cards like Strength in Numbers and Avengers Assemble to capitalize on that. If you’re looking for more of a quick cameo, use Sneak Attack on allies with “put into play” abilities like Maria Hill, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel. With Sneak Attack, it helps to bring along cards like Command Team or Last Stand. And if you want to take full advantage of Black Cat’s lack of consequential damage build her up with upgrades and stat boosting events. You can play Honorary Avenger on her, then bring cards like Inspired, Sky Cycle, and Power Gloves.


Spider-Man boasts a whopping 3 DEF as well as one of the best hero suites for foiling villain attacks and encounter cards. He’s a natural fit in Protection. If you want to focus on completely blocking damage from an attack, use cards like Unflappable and Hard to Ignore to gain extra rewards. Desperate Defense and Never Back Down will also help with taking no damage by boosting your DEF and rewarding you through letting you ready or stunning the villain.



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