Take command as Captain Marvel! You’ll be using energy resources for damage and leveraging card draw, ensuring you and your teammates have extra options when you need them.

As Carol Danvers, you can use your Commander ability to let any player draw one card. Not only is this great for boosting your own hand, but you can use this extra card draw to help teammates dig into their deck if they are looking for a particular card or needing more resources. Adding to your options, the Alpha Flight Station support lets you discard a card you don’t want, drawing two cards to replace it when in alter-ego (one card if in hero form). While she doesn’t have any upgrades that generate resources for her, Captain Marvel has Energy Absorption, a resource card featuring a massive 3 energy resources.
As Captain Marvel, you’ll have built-in healing with her hero ability, Rechannel. You can spend an energy resource and heal a damage to draw a card, meaning you actually benefit from not being at full health! Her Cosmic Flight upgrades give her Aerial, as well as giving you the ability to discard them to prevent damage. A few other Captain Marvel cards rely on Aerial to get the most out of them. Captain Marvel’s Helmet boosts your DEF by one, or two if you have Aerial. To help manage threat, Captain Marvel has Crisis Interdiction, an event that can remove two threat from two different schemes as long as you have Aerial.
For damage, Captain Marvel has her Photonic Blast, an attack that will let you draw a card if you use at least one energy resource to pay for it. Finally, her signature ally is Spider-Woman. Despite her low health, Spider-Woman is a powerful ally due to her ability to confuse the villain when she enters play. This will help you go to alter-ego without much consequence, taking advantage of Carol Danver’s card draw abilities. And if you find any extra cards in hand with energy resources, you can spend them to charge your Energy Channel upgrade, a powerful attack that can be charged and stored until you’re ready to release it.
Through her hefty resource cards and card draw capabilities, Captain Marvel has fantastic resource generation. However her events and upgrades reflect that by being more expensive than some other heroes. It can be helpful to lean into your included aspect cards to take full advantage of Captain Marvel’s resources.
Deck-Building with Captain Marvel
With the number of resources available to Captain Marvel, you can run a strong set of allies. Try out Valkyrie, Wasp, and Brawn, and boost their attacks with Boot Camp. If you want to focus on minions while also building up your threat management, try events like Into the Fray and Chase Them Down. Or, if you want to focus on just laying the damage on thick, try out Dive Bomb, Clobber, and Melee.
Justice will really let you lean into Captain Marvel’s alter-ego card generation. If you want to spend more time in alter-ego, take cards like Sonic Rifle, Quake, and Beat Cop. If you want to handle a lot of threat at a time, try using Spider-Man and Crisis Averted.
Despite lacking dedicated upgrades for direct resource generation, Captain Marvel’s card draw abilities means she has access to more resources and options than most other heroes. Captain Marvel excels at playing allies and buffing their stats, letting them handle the heavy work while she is commanding. If you want to run a wide spread of allies, try Avengers Assemble, Mighty Avengers, and a roster of Avenger allies. If you want even more card draw, try out White Tiger, Nick Fury, and Kaluu. And if you’re looking to help buff other players, try Maria Hill and Lead from the Front. Whatever you're running, consider bringing Beast along to get the most out of Energy Absorption.
Protection features a wide range of strong, but expensive allies. With Captain Marvel’s access to extra resources, she can lead an entire crew. For a wide spread of allies, check out Iron Fist, Luke Cage, or Multiple Man. Another ally is Nova, who builds on Captain Marvel’s love of the energy resource. Use Nova alongside defensive cards like Side Step to get extra use from all the energy resources. Bring along Med Team with any of these allies to keep them (and yourself) fit for duty. Once Captain Marvel has Aerial and her helmet out, she has 3 DEF. If you want to build on that to defend for yourself and a couple friends, bring Nerves of Steel, Desperate Defense, and Indomitable. However, this defense boost relies on the single copy of her helmet, so don’t let it go by you. And if you want to take advantage of Aerial once it’s out, you can do some additional threat management with Ever Vigilant.