Whether delivering justice in the courtroom or doling it out with her fists, She-Hulk is a powerhouse.
As Jennifer Walters, your “I Object!” ability prevents a single threat from being placed on a scheme; a small, but sometimes critical, ability. You can also use your Superhuman Law Division support for the rare ability to remove threat while in your alter-ego. As a last resort, you have Legal Practice. While this event is less efficient than many other twarting events, it is yet again one of the few abilities in the game that allow threat removal from alter-ego.

As you flip to the hero She-Hulk, you can trigger your “Do You Even Lift?” ability, dealing two damage to any enemy. If you’re looking for more widespread damage, use Ground Stomp, an event that damages every enemy in play. The more enemies around, the better it gets! In true She-Hulk form, you have access to a massive basic attack (3 ATK) which can be boosted by 2 ATK with your Superhuman Strength upgrade. While this upgrade only lasts for a single attack, it also stuns the attacked enemy! If there’s more to do, you can use One-Two Punch after using your basic attack to ready She-Hulk, giving you additional opportunities to attack.
While She-Hulk’s hand size is only four, she can use her massive health pool in conjunction with her Focused Rage upgrades to deal herself some damage in exchange for extra cards. Then, give as good as you get with Gamma Slam, a massive attack that deals damage to an enemy equal to the damage you’ve sustained, up to 15! To round it out, you can use She-Hulk’s Split Personality for an additional form change, drawing up to your hand size along the way! At She-Hulk’s side is her signature ally Hellcat, an ally that provides some additional thwarting, and who features the ability to return her to hand.
Deck-Building with She-Hulk
To take advantage of both She-Hulk’s large ATK and Jennifer’s massive REC, use Down Time and Ready to Rumble.
She-Hulk has the rare ability to remove threat in alter-ego, but the downside is all her threat removal except her basic thwart is tied to alter-ego. If you build with a focus on minions, you can shore this weakness up with cards like Chase Them Down and Into the Fray. If you want to really lean into massive damage from basic attacks, bring Hand Cannon, Skilled Strike, and Combat Training.
With Justice, you can be managing threat regardless of which form you’re in. You can prevent threat with cards like Counterintelligence and Foiled! This will let you spend a few extra turns in alter-ego, building up for a larger hero turn. You can also focus on straight threat removal, taking advantage of Justice’s strong events. Try out Lay Down the Law and For Justice!
While She-Hulk does have two upgrades that draw cards, she can still struggle with resources while in hero form. You can supplement her natural draw with an assortment of inexpensive allies and Strength in Numbers. If you want to focus more on boosting your stats for even bigger attacks, try out Moxie and Morale Boost.
She-Hulk can make some large basic attacks, and her cards that ready her require you attack first. To really leverage her ATK stat, use Counter-Punch to deal damage to an attacking enemy equal to your damage. Keep in mind that this will even trigger Superhuman Strength, stunning the enemy! It does require defending though, so try it out with Side Step, Pre-emptive Strike, or Defiance. To take full advantage of both attacking and taking defensive measures, try out Indomitable, Armored Vest, and Desperate Defense. Use Energy Barrier to clean up any little damage that sneaks through in either build.
note that with rules reference 1.5, if the target of an attack with superhuman strength is already stunned, we keep the +2 attack, which changes massively this hero kit spirit. As she can hit for 7 with basic attack, stunning and untap become extremely powerful.