Things have gotten out of hand, and as usual it has fallen to your team to fix it. Multiple issues have risen across the globe, so you're going to have to split your team up. Assign your team members to scenarios and guide them to success!
You can only use one team for the challenge.
You can only use each hero once.
You can only use each aspect once.
You can use one bonus card each scenario.
The bonus card does not count against your deck and starts in play.
You can only use each bonus card once.
Bonus cards cannot be used in deck-building for any scenario in the challenge.
Pick a team and assign your heroes to their missions!

Avengers: Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, She-Hulk, Spider-Man: Peter Parker, Vision
Avenger Bonuses: Avengers Mansion, Avengers Tower, Quincarrier, Quinjet

Guardians: Adam Warlock, Drax, Gamora, Groot, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, Star-Lord, Venom
Guardian Bonuses: Charlie-27, C.I.T.T., Jack Flag, Knowhere
Adam Warlock Note: Because Adam Warlock must use four aspects, simply remove one aspect of your choice from your options for the remaining challenges.

X-Men: Colossus, Cyclops, Gambit, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine
X-Men Bonuses: The X-Jet, X-Mansion, Utopia, Danger Room

Brotherhood of Badoon with Ship Command, Enchantress, and Spectrum's Nemesis Set
Zola with Ransacked Armory
Venom with Symbiotic Strength and Nasty Boys
Thanos with Weapon Master and Military Grade
The Space Stone Special now reads: Discard 5 cards from the encounter deck. Place this card in the Infinity Stone deck discard pile.
If I chose to use Guardians, I could choose Rocket Racoon in Aggression to take on Zola. I'm taking Jack Flag as my bonus card, so he will start in play. In my next challenge, I can take anyone but Rocket in Justice, Leadership, or Protection (or 'Pool!). I can also take any bonus card except Jack Flag.
This challenge was designed with true solo in mind, but if you want to add a second player, do the following:
Each hero can only be used once.
Each player can only use each aspect once.
The first player chooses a bonus card to put into play under their control.
Congratulate or Commiserate!
Come join me on discord or reddit to discuss who you chose and how the challenge is going! I hang out in the following spaces:
This is something I am considering turning into a recurring series. Let me know if you enjoyed it and if you'd like to see more!
What a great holiday treat!