Round 1 is officially in the bag, and I was soundly defeated by KennedyHawk from the MCM and SAGA podcasts. We had a fun game, but it definitely highlighted some flaws with my current deck.
After leading my previous article by covering how you should look for bombs (powerful cards to build around), I promptly ignored that and went for a swarm deck that lacked any real end game. I definitely felt the lack of a strong closer, because Kennedyhawk was able to manage my swarm, undercutting my ability to go wide and push damage.
In hindsight, I think I would have preferred the Mandalorian deck I outlined in the previous article. And jumping ahead a bit, I have another solid argument for switching over to it!
Here is the opening of my next three packs, and I had some solid pulls! You can find my full card pool for Round 2 in this spreadsheet.
These packs gave me two new leaders: Han Solo and Fennec Shand. Both are worth considering... later. I am not yet seeing a reason to take Fennec Shand over The Mandalorian, and Han is similar to Bossk. Both need a little more time for the Aggression card pool to grow. I'll dive deeper into what is there for him in later articles when more packs are available.
In my previous article, I outlined a Mandalorian deck that I was considering. The new packs brought some fantastic cards to support it, including Rivals Fall and the legendary Mandalorian unit himself. With my lack of an end game last round, I really like the idea of pivoting back to The Mandalorian and taking advantage of the bombs in my card pool like The Mandalorian, Chewbacca, and Fennec Shand. My updated list is as follows:

I considered dropping Kuil, because I worried that he would discard key pieces. Limited formats mean you often only have one copy of strong cards. In this case, I don't risk losing my bombs, as most of them have Vigilance as an aspect, so I opted to keep Kuil.
My weaknesses with this deck are the space arena and removal. I will need to be careful playing any Vigilance/Villainy, because I know Brutal Lethality is in the mix for every player. Additionally, capture is rough for this deck, because it will clear the upgrades on my units. These are definitely weakness that can be played around. I can spread out my upgrades or focus on my leader if I know Fell the Dragon or Rivals Fall is not likely to be in the mix.
Next I am matching up against Ryan from Man vs. Meeple! Here is a link to their website where they cover a variety of games.