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Card Highlight: Justice

Writer: AstrodarAstrodar

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

In this series, I highlight cards that I am currently enjoying. These are by no means the most powerful cards. They aren't even necessarily my all-time favorite cards. They are simply cards that I am really enjoying right now. At the end of the article you'll find a decklist that I've enjoyed using them in and a slideshow that displays all the cards.

This card highlight isn't as cohesive as some of the others, but each of these cards are making for a lot of fun at my table. Let's dive-in!


I have been a sucker for this card since I started playing Marvel Champions. Back in the day, I loved running this with Iron Man to give some space for early building. If you're running a deck low on status cards or are up against Stalwart villains, Foiled! can really open up the ability to flip down. It is not a Hero Interrupt, so you can use it in both alter-ego and hero form. While it feels best drawing into it at just the right time, don't be afraid to strategically hold it from one turn to another if you know the villain will be scheming. I generally run three copies to improve the odds of having it when I need it, but I generally also run it alongside other non-status threat prevention like Counterintelligence. Personally I prefer it in multiplayer games where there is more opportunity to use it.

Making an Entrance

A boosted thwart with healing potential is nothing to scoff at. Healing two damage is really helpful for staying in hero form, and this 2 THW boost can help clean up schemes in order to trigger other cards like Skilled Investigator and Turn the Tide. This card does require you make a basic thwart, so keep that in mind when considering it for your decks. It's great alongside heroes like Captain America or SP//dr who have easy access to ready effects.

Spider-Man: Pavitr Prahbakar

The Protection Web-Warrior suite is so strong that I think the Justice suite is often overlooked. I love dropping Pavitr into play for some bulk threat removal. He's still great if you're low on Web-Warrior cards, but having him clean up 4-5 threat in the late game is a huge momentum swing. His Avenger counterpart Peter Parker is far more limited due to cost, the play from hand restriction, and less overall synergy for his trait available. Pavitr hits a really sweet spot for this ability.

Great Responsibility

Oh no! Avert your gaze! Surely it is criminal to enjoy such a card as this. While I wouldn't toss Great Responsibility into any deck, it is a neat tool for threat management. There are few ways to interact with threat during the villain phase, and this is one of them. If you want to get particularly cheeky, you can run it alongside some Tough generation to block some massive threat placements. Who needs to thwart Stryfe's Grasp when you can simply defeat Stryfe and Great Responsibility away all the threat that started on it?

Thanks to MCGamora and royal7 for bringing that interaction up in the Solo Champions League discord. It inspired me to toss it into my deck!

Assess the Situation

I love this card so much that it is sneaking into a Justice list. To me, this is the perfect Basic card. Some heroes can really leverage it (see below), while for others it is simply a great tool for smoothing hands and avoiding leftover resources. I try to keep Assess as the last card in my hand each round. If I need to spend it, no worries. However, if it looks like I'll have a card leftover, there's no reason not to pass it to my next turn.

Try It Out

Below is a Ghost-Spider deck that I took through NeXt Evolution in two player games. With George Stacey being able to store cards and Ghost-Spider's ability to ready off interrupts and responses, Foiled! and Great Responsibility gain huge value. You can tuck them away and use them when you need them. Assess the Situation is also great here, as early in the game it helps smooth your hands, and late in the game it can be used in conjunction with Ticket to the Multiverse to help Ghost-Spider with a massive turn.

You could easily make some swaps in this deck to tune it to your preferences. If you're not going to be attacking much, swap Turn the Tide for some more thwarting events. If you can't justify The Power in All of Us for limited targets, drop them. Though note that SP//dr and Across the Spider-Verse make for many more targets than it seems at first glance. If you feel you're not seeing your Web-Warrior allies enough, toss in Chance Encounter to help grab them sooner.

I have been having a blast with these cards, and I hope that this encourages you to look at some of them as well!

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