It's officially 2024, which means it is time for all the end of the year retrospectives! Before I dive into a little bit about my Marvel Champions year, I'll announce the winner of the hero pack contest.
The winner is... Jamie! But wait! In a much less exciting version of a fourth name popping out from the Goblet of Fire, it seems we have a bonus winner! ZetaRinGrina! (I had a little extra floating around, so I bumped it up to have two winners. A pro of being in charge.) The winners have been emailed. Thank you everyone for entering. I loved reading your favorite things about the game, and I've shared a couple favorites below:
How modular it is, and honestly, the great online community around it!
The theme!! Getting to essentially command a team of Marvel heroes against the villains of your choosing is the "grown-up" equivalent to smashing your action figures around. Imagining comic scenes coming to life is a reason this game is so special for so many people.
The joy of customization and all cards are listed and not random (hero packs and etc)
Astrodar's 2023
2024 saw seven expansions containing:
8 heroes
5 scenarios
12 modular sets
a new player card type (player side schemes)
a new aspect ('Pool)
Deadwolf from the Marvel Champions Community Server shared their "Best of 2023," which inspired me to share mine here. Below you will find all my favorites of the year! If there is a close runner-up, I've included them in parenthesis. I also pulled allies and side schemes into their own category to help show off some of the fun cards.
Hero: Cable (X-23)
Ally: Honey Badger (Outlaw)
Aspect Ally: Fantomex (Armor)
Player Side Scheme: Call for Backup (Lock and Load)
Aggression Card: Bombs Away
Justice Card: Upside the Head
Leadership Card: Med Lab
Protection Card: Taunt
'Pool Card: Tic-Tac-Toe
Basic Card: Digging Deep
Scenario: Juggernaut
Modular Set: Flight
Most Played:
Black Widow
Protection is my favorite aspect, but this year Aggression just snuck ahead for number of plays. I played a lot of SP//dr Aggression at Con of Heroes and a lot of Drax Aggression for Solo Champions League.
X-23 gets a big shoutout. The only reason Cable beat her out is that I don't feel I have enough plays of her to for sure move her ahead. But she is a lot of fun.
I think the game is in a really solid place right now. NeXt Evolution was such an incredible box to play through. The designs really rewarded things like going to alter-ego and defending. It’s a box that I would easily recommend for someone just getting into the game. ‘Pool was a really fun surprise, and I love both how silly it is and that the silliness is pulled out from the standard aspects. Age of Apocalypse has been announced, and I’m excited for its release in March. In the meantime, I’m going to be diving into these X-Force heroes more!